Course Lab Tutorials

Tutorial Lists:

  1. Use three Micro:bits to control the car, under the supervision of traffic lights:
  2. Learn how to extract the data from sensor using  these 3 different MCUs:
  3. Learn how to use WiFi for an MCU to communicate with mobile devices and server using HTTP protocol.
  4. Learn how to use Bluetooth Low Energy to communicate with mobile devices based on the Bluetooth Low Energy (GATT) protocol.
  5. Learn how to use WiFi to upload sensor data to a WebServer based on MQTT protocol.  ( username: iot2us; pwd: introductiontoiot)
  6. Air Quality Workshop DIY Introduction.
  7. Create a Sensor Data Collection Android App:
  8. [Tutorial] WiFi Indoor Fingerprinting Positioning.
  9. [Tutorial] Positioning Technique 2: Pedestrian Dead Reckoning, PDR :
  10. [Tutorial] ADLs recognition using machine learning and deep learning: taking Shoulder Physiotherapy Exercise Recognition as an example: