QMUL IoT2US Lab CSC PhD Recruitment 2020

QMUL IoT2US Lab CSC PhD Recruitment 2020

Who may be interested to do a CS PhD at Internet of Things Lab of QMUL with Stefan Poslad, Associated Professor, websites:




Internet of Things (IoT), Ubiquitous Computing or Pervasive Computing: Smart Devices, Environments and Interaction (SmartDEI – search for the book and company) between services, devices (low power computing, M2M, Semantic Web, Distributed AI), people (personalization, social networking), the physical environment (spatial- awareness, physical world sensing and context-awareness, pervasive games), and IoT security and privacy.

In terms of research topics, he is interested in:

  1. Electronics for IoT, including building new smart devices based upon micro-controller cores, low-power computing and communication, energy harvesting, Battery less sensing, etc.
  2. Security for low-resource IoT devices, wearables, M2M, including access control, cryptography and secure communication protocols, Blockchain.
  3. User-centered privacy protection, e.g., against spatial-temporal tracking, smart environment sensing, etc.
  4. Security and privacy in fog/edge computing
  5. Mobility profiling using hybrid sensor data (Indoor Positioning/Navigation; LPWAN GPS-free outdoor positioning)
  6. Seamless indoor and outdoor map systems and location-based services
  7. Big data processing of mobility data (GIS/RS)
  8. Citizen science and sensing: health, road vehicles, air and water quality; sensing in harsh environments, smart agriculture, Internet of Green things.
  9. Smart transport, smart home, smart health, smart utilities, etc. Activity during Daily Life recognition using sensors


“If a student has a different idea. I am also open to hear about this.”

欢迎攻博/联合培养/交流的学生申请,要求入学前可获得研究生学位,英语成绩满足QMUL EECS博士生入学要求(详见官网

欢迎有相关研究经历与兴趣的同学邮件咨询Dr. Stefan: stefan.poslad@qmul.ac.uk

或联系:bang.wu@qmul.ac.uk/ guangyuan.zhang@qmul.ac.uk